Thank you so much for sharing your insights about March and the possibilities that may occur. I'm old enough to remember watching Tiananmen Square. It was very upsetting and I've often wondered about that young man who was so brave. That image was seared into my memory. And I'll never forget it. My prayers will be that our Constitution holds, I am a firm believer of being a "work in progress" and I believe the United States is too. We have made mistakes and have flaws, however we still have work to do. And I'm here to "make good trouble" and I believe we all are here in these tricky times to do that too. Linking arms with you and you and you and you and.... onward we go!

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Thank you for sharing your thoughts. I love that image of linking arms, the way you wrote it makes the feeling of it so strong that it almost jumps out of the screen. I think these are the types of messages we need now. After having published this post I felt like I maybe should have softened it a bit. It's easy for me here in the UK to feel a bit removed from it all and to simply analyse the astrology of what might happen, but there is a real story playing out here and real people will be affected. Your image shows a way forward and it feels hopeful. Thank you! I'm linking arms too.

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I remember that too! What an image! I share your concerns, actually it’s a bit more than concern at the moment. The astrology helps by putting all of this madness into a greater cosmic context. The Saturn Neptune conjunction brought down the USSR, it’s definitely shaking up the USA. My hope is that this is a step towards our evolution into something better and more fair by showing our shadow side in a way that’s impossible to deny. I’m here to link arms as well!

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I do hope so. 🤞🤞🤞🤞🤞‼️

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I recently examined where the March eclipses fall in the Sibley chart on my own Substack in some detail (the full post will be available to free subscribers tomorrow morning). I ran way over my normal essay length before I got through all of the factors. And didn’t even get to checking all of this against all of the different parties’ natal charts, that definitely adds interesting detail to the story. I concur that this will be a major event in American history. I didn’t consider the Jupiter conjunction to the US natal Uranus as a major factor, as it is separating by 5 degrees at the time, but that is definitely still in orb, as it has been for some time. Perhaps it indicates the rapidly changing relationship between the US and its historical allies, or enemies, as the 7th signifies both.

More concerning, and I didn’t have space to mention this because I was so concerned with all of the chaos on the IC/Mc axis, is the Mars conjunction to the US natal Mercury in the 8th, that is also making an applying trine to transiting Saturn and the Sun in the US 3rd. I am aware that Mars is also conjunct Musk’s ASC, and applying to Saturn and the Sun in his 8th. The fact that the aspect is a sinister trine makes me think that it is beneficial to Saturn and the Sun. It certainly looks like trouble.

Interesting times indeed.

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I look forward to reading your post! There is so much going on it's easy to write thousands and thousands of words. It's good that there are a few of us looking into this too as everyone brings their unique take and perspective, which hopefully means we will end up with a more complete picture of what might happen.

My background is focusing on UK and Europe, so it is a bit more difficult for me to get a sense of the transits to the political parties as I just don't have that gut instinct which comes from following the events in a particular country for a while. Those of you who live on "the other side of the pond" will probably have better instincts around this than I do. Currently brushing up on my knowledge of US politics though!

I think you're right about those changing relationships with historical allies and this is something I'm planning to look into more too. I think the US Pluto cycle might have a lot to do with this as the first cycle basically saw the rise of the country as THE global power.

Also I didn't spot Mars applying to Saturn and the Sun in Musk's chart. Thank you for pointing that out!

Like you say, interesting times.

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Taking and synthesizing all this information - I'm seeing 25th Amendment due to a medical issue vs. an assassination attempt that might incapacitate Trump for the rest of his term, if not his life. I took a look at his natal chart, which I hadn't done before. Look at the poor moon all by itself at the bottom of his chart. No freaking wonder. I'm very surprised he doesn't have a moon/pluto opposition.

Elon's 12th house sun means he's done a lot of hidden things so far. It doesn't take astrology to know that he's not being very transparent, but this is affirming that he will be doing that sideways thing to jockey for power. I also think he doesn't actually want it. He's playing a game to see how far he can go...can he 'win'?

One way or the other, Trump will be out of the picture, in the care of his family - and Vance and Mike Johnson will be battling with Elon who will have enormous amounts of data/information to hold them hostage.

I'm thinking dictatorship could only happen if it was Trump. I don't think Elon is actually smart enough to pull a coup without someone's coattails to hang on to - like he's done everything else in his life. He is inauthentic, and doesn't have the same charisma that has brought Trump so far. Without Trump as his sponsor, tolerance for him will dry up quickly.

I think if you abuse your populace too much, the Tiananmen Square effect takes form. I think we are struggling, but I don't think we are at that point yet. Push us much further and we will be.

Thank you for your analysis and the opportunity to contribute to it!

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Thank you for reading and sharing your take on this. Good point about the Moon! It will be interesting to see what happens. Your comment adds a few more puzzle pieces to play around with.

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Beware the Ides of March (plus one week)

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Don’t say “Musk this or Trump that or Vance whatever.” The Republican Party is responsible for their actions, and the Republican Congress and the Republican Supreme Court are responsible for their unconstitutional and lawless behaviors, and the Republican voters, each and every one of them, individually and collectively are equally responsible for where we are today and for this Republican regime. They are all collaborators and they should all be held accountable.

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Fascinating analysis and the only one I’ve seen that directly addresses the elephant in the room: Trump’s eventual demise, since we all die at some point or another. Given the way world events are playing out, and this analysis, I’d confirm what you see and would augment it to say that Putin (examining where Putin’s chart fit into all of this whose 9th house natal Uranus is conjunct transiting Mars, his chart ruler, sextiling natal 7th house Jupiter which is conjunct transiting Uranus!) elevates his “best-buddy” Elon Musk to an open, pro-Russia position that is created, while leaving hapless Mike Johnson to become the President of the US after murdering the entire Trump family (or at least the men of the Trump family). JD Vance will be incredibly lucky if he escapes with his life; Vance will step aside, while muttering about how “unconstitutional” it all is.

There’s a long history in Russia of starting revolutions by murdering entire families (witness 1917 assassinations of not just Czar Nicholas III but his entire family), and this was a tactic used in apartheid South Africa, too, so both Putin and Musk would have no trouble whatsoever showing their intent and power publicly for what will be the first time, and letting Mike Johnson assume the Presidency, making it all appear “legal” and “according to the Constitution,” following what will be described as a “tragic accident”.

A “new” and “improved” US will emerge, no longer a democracy. I believe it is most likely too late to stop this and turn it into a success story for Democracy. I think the billionaires with Putin’s help have already decided democracy doesn’t suit them, so the US is a goner. Sorry to be Debbie Downer, but I don’t see any positives (for the American people) coming out of this hideous train wreck of events.

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Thank you Kelley. That is a really fascinating take! The link to South Africa is interesting too, and it's something I've been wanting to investigate more. I wonder if the legacy of apartheid isn't in some strange way playing out through both Musk and Thiel. Are they, unconsciously, trying to recreate the segregated homeland in the US? There is something going on there, I just need to find the right thread to start unravelling the astrological story around this.

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I’m not sure how apartheid would be reflected in an astrological chart. 🤔 But sociologically, Musk & Thiel’s racism is indeed being recreated in the US and world-wide, too, augmenting the worst fear-driven traits of people and amplifying them in order to destroy the concept of one person, one vote. Thanks for starting this fascinating thread. Im looking forward to reading more!

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There will be a way! Meaning there is a story to sniff out around all of this. I just did a quick composite chart for Elon Musk and apartheid architect Hendrik Verwoerd (who was himself assassinated, I didn't know that before looking it up just now).... And there is a stellium in Leo in the 4th house, with a Pluto/Sun conjunction and a very close Moon/Venus/Mercury conjunction. Again, I'm not exactly sure what this means yet other than that these two men would have quite similar strong beliefs and feelings about the homeland. Something to return to at a later stage I think.

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Thanks, Lotta! One suggestion, and I understand there may be a reason you don’t do this already: Could you include either chart images, or links to chart images (on public sites like astro.com) It would be helpful so readers don’t have to recreate the chart(s). Readers may choose/use different settings than you are using, so this helps me compare apples to apples. Again, thanks for the discussion- fascinating about the similarity between Musk and Verwoerd but in the end not surprising. I often see friend groups that share repeated planetary themes which makes sense to me, because astrology is a type of “mapping” resonance between two people/events/entities. It’s natural that similarly resonating natural “objects” would be drawn to each other and share similar charts.

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Thanks Kelley. Good point! I will start to include charts and/or links. Also I love "mapping the resonance", that describes this ancient art very well I think.

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That's an imaginative one there.

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My interpretation is based on astrology, not imagination. Thanks for reading.

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I know, I'm not trying to give you a hard time it's just alot to take in. For me, personally I feel that there's alot of projection going on and at the same time realize that something is going to happen but it's difficult to predict exactly what or how, but I don't believe people are taking everything into account. We are in a different age now, a different relationship with reason, with reality, so I believe that whatever happens is likely to be a false flag, or false attack, then they will spin that into rational for more strict measures or possibly war. Based off intuition and experience.

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I agree - whatever happens will be spun by these fascists into their demands to further restrict freedoms and take away the liberties we (in America) have all taken for granted. Keep creating art. The world needs more artists.

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The strange thing that I cannot understand is how come trump could go on all his life cheating and cheating and never ever finished in prison!? Who has protected him from 2016 ??? And how come that a criminal can become a president ?? In USA !?

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It is astounding to consider no one has ever held Donald Trump accountable for his many crimes, committed all during his long life. For me, the best comparison is comparing Trump to Hitler. Hitler was obviously an hideous psychopath, and yet he was never held accountable for any of his crimes - which include causing the deaths of a combined 75 Million people in WW2. He escaped being held accountable by killing himself and girlfriend Eva Braun, rather than face a court-martial, or Allied soldiers, and actually have to defend himself.

By Hitler taking the ultimate coward’s way out (suicide) explains how he [Hitler] was able to get away with it: just like Trump, Hitler was a bully that people were afraid to stand up to and call him out, to his face, and demand he answer for himself.

I believe history will show the BIGGEST MISTAKE made with Trump was failing to have Trump face justice, and have to defend himself, for the seditious riot Trump incited on January 6, 2021, following his election loss in November 2020. By dragging their feet and not prosecuting Trump swiftly and immediately after he left office (on Jan 20, 2021) America will long pay the price for the abject failure of the Biden Administration and odious former Attorney General Merrick Garland, to DO THEIR JOBS and hold Trump accountable. Just because it hasn’t been done before, doesn’t mean you take a pass on being the first person in Trump’s 79 years to hold him accountable for his actions.

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If americans appreciate their freedom they will rise in time against trump. The time should be now ; he has betrayed them already; he called putin a “ genious” and zelensky a dictator. Who will stop him ? American people must stop him now. The situation is unbearable ; a predator who loves other predators. And how come that americans who sit n senate and the congress don’t rebel !? I can’t understand ‼️In the long run it will be devastating for America.

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This is really eye-opening! I’ve been wondering what astrologers and mediums make of all of this. There’s a cosmic twist somewhere.

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Venus cazimi march 22, ruling DT’s MC. Phase change.

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Fascinating! As I was born on the Ides of March —anytime my birthdate comes up in conversation someone blurts “Beware Ceasar!” Let it be so…

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Thanks Tedde! And how interesting... and a bit funny. You have well read friends. Wishing you a lovely birthday on the 15th!

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Thank you! I will be celebrating by joining a protest in nearby Washington DC…

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This is remarkable, thank you for your incredible work and sharing your knowledge, such a riveting read!

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Thank you so much, that's lovely to hear!

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Fascinating. March 22 is my brother’s birthday (now deceased) and also the day my mother died. So yeah, I’m going with March 22 for something majorly bad happening to the Mumps (Musk+Trump = dreadful contagious disease).

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I'm sorry for your loss. Mumps is brilliant!

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I’m loving the mash up “Mumps!”

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Interesting. I just launched a promo for an event at my bookstore on March 22nd called Community Manifestival and am inviting us to a collective vision experience where we imagine positive futures through meditation, vision board, Journaling and art.

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I wonder how many humans are collectively hoping for 💀💀💀💀💀. I thought about making voodoo dolls, but the rule of 3×3 stops me.

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nothin but a bunch of hot air, you need to mind your business and your king charles…. and worry about what is happening in your country….

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thank you, Fiona, for liking my reply to this article.

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Hopefully he will meet the same problem that Ceasar did

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Sounds hopeful except for the dictator part

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