What will happen to Donald Trump at the end of March?
A look at the astrological storm about to hit the Trump family, Elon Musk and JD Vance.
At the end of March the whole Trump family – and the US – will go through some serious astrological turbulence.
Firstly we have Uranus returning to a conjunction with Donald Trump’s Midheaven.
The first time this happened was in June 2024.
The following month, as Mars joined Uranus on his Midheaven, there was an attempt on his life during a rally in Butler, Pennsylvania.
The second time was in December 2024 – shortly after he had been re-elected.
The third time will be on the 22nd of March 2025.
On this day Mars (violence and anger) is three degrees away from his 11th house (groups and friends) Saturn (responsibility).
Jupiter is a few degrees from his 10th house Uranus, approaching his North Node and Sun, and trining his Chiron/Jupiter conjunction in the second house of money and security.
This could shine a beam on something shocking related to his career and status, this is part of his destiny (North Node and Sun) and it is linked to the inner wounding that has pushed him to where he is now (Chiron/Jupiter).
Saturn trines his Midheaven and squares his Sun from the 7th house.
It is the culmination, or perhaps climax, of a long climb up the career ladder (Saturn trine Midheaven), but there will be a price to pay (square to Sun)
There is a lot of activity in his 8th house of death and rebirth.
It almost feels as if it’s all been leading up to this point.
On the same day:
Melania Trump (whose birth time I don’t have) has Uranus two degrees from a conjunction with Mercury. Uranus also trines her Pluto in Virgo.
Her Mercury is where she connects easily with her husband, it sits on his Midheaven and sextiles his Saturn and Venus. Otherwise their synastry is dominated by squares and oppositions. This easy connection between them will experience a sudden jolt.
Transiting Mercury and Venus are a few degrees away from her natal Chiron, making this a time to focus on inner wounds. They also square her natal Moon, perhaps speaking of vulnerability and heightened emotions, which can feel uncomfortable for a Capricorn Moon.
Donald Trump Jr. has Mars on his Ascendant and the Sun and Neptune on his Midheaven. Yikes! Pluto is loosely squaring Chiron in the 10th house from his 7th house.
Saturn is transiting through the 9th house and moving towards his Midheaven. It is separating from an opposition to his Moon in the third house of communication and siblings. His Moon squares his father’s Sun.
Ivanka Trump (also no birth time) has Uranus separating from her Chiron in Taurus – a sudden shock to her inner wound (which sits on her father’s MC). Mars is five degrees away from (and moving towards) her North Node in Cancer (could it be activating a calling to tend to and nurture the family?).
Saturn is forming an exact inconjunct (an often challenging aspect) to her powerful natal Jupiter/Pluto conjunction in Libra. A point in her chart from where she has a strong connection with her father.
The Moon is on her natal Venus/Neptune conjunction in Sagittarius, which sits opposite her father’s Sun, possibly highlighting where she is different to him.
Eric Trump also has his Chiron very close to his father’s Midheaven. His wounding is his father’s rise in the world. Uranus is therefore also just a few degrees away from a conjunction with his natal Chiron in the 10th house.
Jupiter is on his 11th house North Node.
The transiting North Node squares his natal 5th house Jupiter from his 8th house.
Pluto is close to forming a square to his MC/IC axis.
Tiffany Trump has Saturn opposing her Moon and Uranus opposing Pluto. Mars squares her Sun.
Barron Trump has the Moon crossing his Midheaven and natal Pluto in the 10th house. Neptune is on his Sun and squares his Moon. Jupiter is on his Mars. Pluto is one degree away from opposing his natal Saturn. Yikes again!
Looking further back the family line – often an interesting exercise – also suggests this is a pivotal time for the Trumps.
Fred Trump (Donald Trump’s father) has Pluto on his Chiron and Neptune on his Moon.
It could suggest that the wounding that the memory of him represents is transformed and that Neptune dissolves the emotional legacy he has left in his descendants.
Mary Anne Trump (his mother) has Pluto on her 10th house Uranus, Mars on her Mars/Neptune conjunction in the 4th house, Chiron on her 12th house North Node and Uranus on her first house Sun/Saturn conjunction.
This is an external shock to her legacy (Sun/Saturn), possibly a destruction of the unexpected good luck enjoyed by some of her children (10th house Uranus) and an activation of a fight for the family legacy and line (Mars and 4th house).
What does it all mean?
These are major transits and everyone in the family is affected in different ways.
Normally this sort of phenomenon can be seen when there is a big shock to the family system, such as a death of the family patriarch or matriarch or the birth of the first longed for grandchild, or the whole family relocating.
Many of the transits mentioned above are not necessarily easy. As Uranus is involved in so many of them it is possible that something shocking and unusual or unforeseen will happen.
For some in the family the transits speak of a difficult time ahead, for others it might almost be liberating.
The eldest and the youngest sons, Donald Trump Jr and Barron, seem to have an especially heavy time astrologically.
With Neptune also involved for them it suggests that something might be dissolved or that this could be a time of confusion and/or fear.
Other power players
Elon Musk has Venus and Mercury in Aries squaring his 12th house Cancer Sun from the 9th house.
Uranus is in his 11th house moving towards an opposition to his 5th house Jupiter.
Transiting Jupiter is about to trine his 7th house North Node and conjunct his Venus in the 12th house.
As it does so it lights up a loose grand trine which includes his natal Uranus in his third house.
This could speak of a shocking external event (Uranus) having something to do with groups or people around him (11th house). He will be forced to think on his feet as all of this is foreign and new (Mercury/Venus square from the 9th house). It activates his Sun, his purpose and drive in life.
It also creates a powerful pattern in his chart in air signs which could lift him up in some way and suggests he could be a key communicator during these events.
JD Vance has transiting Uranus in his 10th house and near his Midheaven (which is just two degrees behind Trump’s, at 22 degrees Taurus).
Uranus also squares his 12th house Venus and opposes a natal Mars on the IC.
Neptune and the Sun in Pisces in his 8th house form an inconjunct, an aspect that can speak of endings, to his third house Pluto in Libra. They also square his Neptune in Sagittarius and 5th house Capricorn Jupiter.
Saturn (responsibility) trines his natal Mars on the IC and sextiles his Midheaven from the 7th house.
Transiting Mars in the 11th house squares his Moon in the second house.
So a shock (Uranus) in his career sector activates his Scorpio 4th house Mars on the IC, a Mars that is perhaps willing to go to great lengths to fight for what he believes is “the homeland”.
But even though he might have to take on more responsibilities (Saturn sextile Midheaven) he might struggle to speak up or find his voice (Neptune, third house Pluto), dissolving his ability to think creatively (5th house).
There might be conflicts with friends or the group he belongs to (Mars in the 11th), which hold him back.
Speaker Mike Johnson (no birth time) has the transiting Moon on his domiciled Jupiter i Sagittarius.
Transiting Jupiter sextiles his natal Moon in Leo and forms a loose trine to his Aquarius Sun and Uranus in Libra.
He will be lifted up in some way.
Chiron is on his natal Mars in Aries and opposes his Libra Uranus, with transiting Mars loosely squaring both natal placements from Cancer.
He might have to fight, it could feel uncomfortable and like he’s stepping into territory that he is not used to.
Pluto trines his natal Pluto and is moving towards a conjunction with his North Node. The Sun and Neptune in Pisces oppose his natal Pluto in Libra.
This is part of a larger story playing out at this time and he is being swept along by external forces.
The US chart
Could the transits to the US chart help us narrow down what might happen?
Jupiter is very near the Descendant and in the 7th house.
A heightened focus on “the other”.
Transiting Mars (violence) in the 8th house of death and transformation squares Chiron (a wounding) in the 4th house of the homeland.
Neptune and the Sun are cradling the IC.
Something about what the homeland has been up until now will be dissolved and start to change.
The transits to the event chart for the assassination attempt in Butler, Pennsylvania are also interesting.
Jupiter is also here on the event chart’s Descendant, so the point representing “other" or the “open enemy” will be highlighted.
Mars is on its Sun in the 7th house (“fight, fight, fight”) and squares the Libra Moon in the 10th house (to hell with balance).
Perhaps the most poignant chart might be the composite chart between Donald Trump and the US with Jupiter on the composite Uranus in the 8th house.
This highlights a shocking event in the house of death.
Added to this we have the two eclipses in March.
Donald Trump was born on an eclipse, so he, and his life, will be extra sensitive to these often powerful astrological and astronomical moments that have traditionally been associated with the rise and fall of kings.
The first eclipse on the 14th of March 2025 is a lunar eclipse with the Sun conjunct Saturn in Pisces. This eclipse completes a grand cross in Donald Trump’s natal chart, squaring both his Moon and his Sun.
The following eclipse on the 29th of March 2025 is a partial solar eclipse in Aries, falling in Donald Trump’s 8th house. It squares his 11th house Mercury and opposes his second house Neptune.
What could happen?
The first thing to say is that the “major event”, whatever it is, could happen at any time towards the end of March. I’ve simply picked the 22nd as the date to look at, but we might see this pivotal moment anytime from the eclipse on the 14th.
It is also very difficult to accurately predict events with the help of astrology. Astrology is a symbolic language and there are a multitude of ways that these archetypes and this symbolism could manifest in real life.
However, I’m going to hazard a guess.
As I see it there are three distinct possibilities for how this might play out.
Another, possibly successful, assassination attempt
The 25th amendment is invoked
There will be large protests and a Tianamen square moment from which there is no turning back – future historian’s might deem this to be the point when a dictatorship was established in the US
Over to you
I think the best way to examine this time is to put our clever heads together.
I might have missed something. You might see something very clearly in all this data.
What do you think? I would love to hear your thoughts.
I haven’t included charts in this post as most of you will probably have your own preferred house system and way to draw up chart.
The house system I’ve used is Porphyry.
Painting at the top is The Death of Julius Caesar by Vincenzo Camuccini.
Ps. Here is another crazy astrological technique and some food for thought. If you regress Donald Trump’s birth chart back to the 15th of March 44 BC, when Caesar was assassinated, you also have Uranus (almost) on his Midheaven and Mars (almost) on the IC. Does this mean anything? Who knows, but it’s fascinating.
Thank you all so much for commenting and engaging, it’s great. However, please keep it civil for both your own sake and mine. Any comments actively wishing someone harm will be removed.
I know many of you have strong feelings. If you would like to, please share what has happened to you, how all of these events so far have affected you and how you feel. This might be a better way of energetically dealing with this situation.
Thank you so much for sharing your insights about March and the possibilities that may occur. I'm old enough to remember watching Tiananmen Square. It was very upsetting and I've often wondered about that young man who was so brave. That image was seared into my memory. And I'll never forget it. My prayers will be that our Constitution holds, I am a firm believer of being a "work in progress" and I believe the United States is too. We have made mistakes and have flaws, however we still have work to do. And I'm here to "make good trouble" and I believe we all are here in these tricky times to do that too. Linking arms with you and you and you and you and.... onward we go!
I recently examined where the March eclipses fall in the Sibley chart on my own Substack in some detail (the full post will be available to free subscribers tomorrow morning). I ran way over my normal essay length before I got through all of the factors. And didn’t even get to checking all of this against all of the different parties’ natal charts, that definitely adds interesting detail to the story. I concur that this will be a major event in American history. I didn’t consider the Jupiter conjunction to the US natal Uranus as a major factor, as it is separating by 5 degrees at the time, but that is definitely still in orb, as it has been for some time. Perhaps it indicates the rapidly changing relationship between the US and its historical allies, or enemies, as the 7th signifies both.
More concerning, and I didn’t have space to mention this because I was so concerned with all of the chaos on the IC/Mc axis, is the Mars conjunction to the US natal Mercury in the 8th, that is also making an applying trine to transiting Saturn and the Sun in the US 3rd. I am aware that Mars is also conjunct Musk’s ASC, and applying to Saturn and the Sun in his 8th. The fact that the aspect is a sinister trine makes me think that it is beneficial to Saturn and the Sun. It certainly looks like trouble.
Interesting times indeed.